YAN Opening Guidelines
**There will continue to be an online/virtual programming presence for those youth not able to attend the space.**
Limits of Use
1) Youth and staff who have symptoms of a cold, flu, or COVID-19 with any coughing or sneezing present, will not be allowed to enter the space.
2) There will be a limit of 10 people total (including staff) in the youth centre to maintain physical distancing protocols (see below for more info).
3) Upon entry, youth will be required to wash their hands thoroughly. A hand sanitizing station will also be installed near the front door for frequent use.
Youth will be briefed on these new guidelines when they enter the space.
Physical Distancing
1) Youth and staff are required to maintain 2 m of space between each other while in the YAN space.
2) Close greetings, for example hugs and handshakes, should be avoided and youth should be reminded to maintain 2 m of space whenever possible.
3) Snacks will be individualized either in separate wrappers or personal bowls.
4) One student is to be at the laptop station at a time.
5) Games requiring close contact (video games, board games, foosball) will be removed or disallowed.
1) Frequently touched surfaces- door knobs, tables, desks, etc- will be cleaned daily with Health Canada approved disinfectant.
2) Laptops and ping pong table will be cleaned after each use.
3) Bathroom will be cleaned/sanitized once per day with Health Canada approved disinfectant.
4) The space will be thoroughly cleaned/disinfected once per day (all touched surfaces disinfected) by a YAN staff.
5) The space will be thoroughly cleaned/disinfected once per week by a hired cleaner.