Rossland Youth Week is set for June 9-15 this year. Take a look at the schedule!

June 9: ArtWalk 6 – 8 pm
This event will take place in downtown Rossland and will showcase youth artists at local business locations. Between 6 and 8 pm, participants will be given a map to view and vote on their favorite art.
If your business would like to participate in ArtWalk, send me an email at So far, participating businesses are Lysenko Law, Gold Rush Bookstore, and Cabine.
Art can be submitted to the Rossland YAN located at 2385 Washington Ave during drop-in hours (Mon-Fri 2:30-5 pm) until June 7. Artists can submit as many pieces as they like for a chance to win cash prizes. More info below:

June 10: Taco Party 2:30-5 pm
Like regular drop-in but with TACOS.

June 11: Where’s Waldo IRL

June 12: Gender Neutral Clothing Swap 3:30-5 pm

June 13 Seed to Sunlight 4:30-6 pm
In this workshop taught by local experts Maya Provencal and Caley Mulholland, students will go on a plant walk, identify local flowers/plants and learn how to transplant!

June 13: Teen Open Mic Night 6:30-9 pm
A night for teens to show-cast their talent at the Alpine Grind. Participants are welcome to play music, recite poetry, tell stories, do comedy, perform magic or express any other hidden talents they possess.

June 14: Painting of the Rainbow Crosswalk
June 15: Sunshine, Ollie-pops and Rainbows
An outdoor event at the Rossland Skate-park and YAN space. Bike shuttles, skateboard competition, food and live music!